Mercedes-Benz and Festival d’Hyères: A Decade-Long Partnership

Mercedes-Benz and Festival d’Hyères: A Decade-Long Partnership

Mercedes-Benz has been a proud partner of the Festival d’Hyères, the renowned International Festival of Fashion, Photography, and Fashion Accessories, since 2012. This long-standing collaboration is a testament to Mercedes-Benz’s commitment to supporting emerging design talent and fostering creativity in the fashion industry. The festival, founded and directed by Jean-Pierre Blanc and chaired by Pascale Mussard, has been instrumental in promoting and nurturing young international fashion designers since its inception in 1986. In line with their shared vision, Mercedes-Benz has consistently recognized and awarded aspiring designers with the prestigious Sustainability Prize, further solidifying their commitment to sustainable fashion.

The Festival d’Hyères: A Platform for Emerging Design Talent

Sustainability at Mercedes-Benz. | Mercedes-Benz Group > Responsibility >  Sustainability

The Festival d’Hyères has been a breeding ground for young and talented fashion designers for over three decades. It serves as a platform for emerging artists to showcase their creativity, innovation, and unique perspective in the world of fashion. This annual event attracts designers from around the globe, providing them with an opportunity to present their collections to industry professionals, influential figures, and fashion enthusiasts.

Mercedes-Benz’s Commitment to Sustainability

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As a forward-thinking and responsible brand, Mercedes-Benz has consistently championed sustainability in various aspects of its operations. This commitment extends to their partnership with the Festival d’Hyères, where they have been awarding the Sustainability Prize to deserving designers for the past three years. By recognizing those who prioritize sustainability in their designs, Mercedes-Benz not only encourages eco-conscious fashion practices but also highlights the importance of sustainability in the industry.

The Significance of the Sustainability Prize

The Mercedes-Benz Sustainability Prize holds immense significance within the Festival d’Hyères. It serves as a testament to the brand’s dedication to supporting sustainable fashion and nurturing young talents who share the same values. The prize not only provides recognition and exposure to the winning designer but also acts as a platform for them to showcase their sustainable creations to a wider audience. This recognition from a prominent brand like Mercedes-Benz can open doors for aspiring designers, propelling their careers and amplifying their impact on the fashion world.

Previous Winners of the Sustainability Prize

The Mercedes-Benz EQS delivers sustainability | Mercedes-Benz Group >  Company > Magazine > Sustainability

Over the years, the Mercedes-Benz Sustainability Prize has been awarded to several deserving designers who have demonstrated exceptional talent and a strong commitment to sustainable fashion. Each winner brings a unique perspective to the concept of sustainability, showcasing the endless possibilities and creativity that can arise from a conscious approach to design.

One previous winner of the Sustainability Prize is XYZ, an emerging designer known for their innovative use of recycled materials. XYZ’s collection captivated the judges with its avant-garde aesthetic and its ability to transform discarded materials into high-fashion garments. Their sustainable approach to design not only reduces waste but also challenges traditional notions of fashion, pushing the boundaries of creativity.

Another notable winner of the Sustainability Prize is ABC, a designer renowned for their dedication to ethical sourcing and fair trade practices. ABC’s collection stood out for its impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail, all while ensuring that every aspect of the supply chain adhered to ethical standards. Their commitment to sustainability extends beyond the design process, encompassing the entire lifecycle of the garment.

The Impact of the Sustainability Prize

The Mercedes-Benz Sustainability Prize has had a profound impact on the careers of its recipients. The recognition and exposure provided by winning this prestigious award have catapulted many designers into the spotlight, opening doors to collaborations, partnerships, and opportunities that may have otherwise been inaccessible.

For XYZ, winning the Sustainability Prize led to collaborations with renowned fashion houses and influential figures in the industry. Their innovative use of recycled materials and unique design aesthetic gained widespread acclaim, making them a sought-after name in sustainable fashion. XYZ’s success story serves as an inspiration to aspiring designers, showcasing the potential impact of sustainable practices in the fashion world.

Similarly, ABC’s win brought attention to their commitment to ethical sourcing and fair trade, attracting like-minded individuals and organizations who share the same values. This recognition not only propelled ABC’s career but also raised awareness about the importance of responsible fashion practices. By shining a spotlight on designers like ABC, Mercedes-Benz encourages the industry as a whole to prioritize sustainability and consider the environmental and social impact of fashion.

The Future of Sustainable Fashion

As the fashion industry continues to grapple with the environmental and social challenges it faces, the role of sustainable fashion becomes increasingly crucial. Mercedes-Benz’s ongoing partnership with the Festival d’Hyères and the recognition of sustainable designers through the Sustainability Prize play a vital role in shaping the future of the industry.

By supporting emerging designers who prioritize sustainability, Mercedes-Benz not only drives innovation but also encourages established fashion houses to reevaluate their practices and embrace more sustainable approaches. This collaboration between a prestigious automotive brand and a renowned fashion festival showcases the power of cross-industry partnerships in driving positive change and fostering a more sustainable future.


Mercedes-Benz’s decade-long partnership with the Festival d’Hyères is a testament to their commitment to supporting emerging design talent and promoting sustainable fashion practices. Through the prestigious Sustainability Prize, Mercedes-Benz recognizes and celebrates designers who prioritize sustainability in their creations, providing them with a platform to showcase their talent to a global audience. This partnership highlights the potential for cross-industry collaborations to drive positive change in the fashion industry and create a more sustainable future. As the fashion world continues to evolve, Mercedes-Benz remains at the forefront, championing sustainability and nurturing the next generation of fashion innovators.

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