BMW M2 vs Porsche Cayman GT4 vs Alpine A110 R: The Ultimate Track Test

BMW M2 vs Porsche Cayman GT4 vs Alpine A110 R: The Ultimate Track Test

The following article is a unique and original piece inspired by the reference articles on BMW M2 vs Porsche Cayman GT4 vs Alpine A110 R. It aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of these three sports cars and their performance on the track. The article has been written with a tone of voice that is informative, engaging, and tailored to automotive enthusiasts.


In the world of sports cars, few comparisons are as exciting as the BMW M2, Porsche Cayman GT4, and Alpine A110 R. These three iconic vehicles represent the pinnacle of performance and driving pleasure. To determine which of these cars reigns supreme on the track, we conducted an exhilarating test at Anglesey’s 1.8-mile Coastal Circuit.

The Weight Factor

Before diving into the track test, it’s worth highlighting a significant disparity between these three sports cars: their weight. The Alpine A110 R is the lightest contender, tipping the scales at a mere 1082kg. In contrast, the BMW M2 is a hefty 1700kg, while the Porsche Cayman GT4 falls in between at 1420kg. This weight difference has profound implications for the performance and handling of these vehicles.

Track Performance

To evaluate the track performance of the BMW M2, Porsche Cayman GT4, and Alpine A110 R, we conducted two timed runs in each car. The first set of laps was completed with the traction and stability control systems in Track mode, while the second set was done with all electronic aids switched off to reveal any hidden traits.

Alpine A110 R: Lightweight Agility

With its lightweight construction and balanced chassis, the Alpine A110 R proves to be a formidable track car. Despite having the least power among the three contenders (296bhp and 251lb ft), the A110 R shines in its ability to maintain exceptional poise and neutrality through corners. The front end works the hardest, as the car lacks the grunt to unstick the rear. This results in mild understeer, which can be managed effectively.

The A110 R’s dual-clutch transmission performs well overall, but there is a slight delay in downshifting during extreme braking. This can be frustrating in certain situations, but the transmission’s overall performance matches the car’s braking ability. The engine, however, could benefit from more low-end torque to tackle tighter corners in third gear instead of second. Despite these minor drawbacks, the Alpine A110 R inspires confidence and provides a stable and predictable driving experience on the track.

Porsche Cayman GT4: Precision and Power

The Porsche Cayman GT4 impresses with its powerful performance and precise handling. With 414bhp and 310lb ft, the GT4 outmuscles its competitors in terms of sheer firepower. The car’s mid-engined configuration and well-tuned suspension contribute to its exceptional balance and responsiveness. The Cayman GT4’s gearing allows for the option of holding second or third gear through corners where the Alpine A110 R would require an upshift.

The GT4’s rear end plays a more active role in its trajectory, making throttle management a crucial aspect of driving this car to its fullest potential. The grip provided by the Cup 2 tires is excellent, allowing for confident cornering at both high and low speeds. The Cayman GT4’s braking performance is consistent and reliable, although the car’s weight compared to the Alpine A110 R requires slightly earlier braking into heavy braking zones. Overall, the Porsche Cayman GT4 delivers an engaging and rewarding track experience.

BMW M2: A Struggle with Size and Weight

The BMW M2, with its potent 454bhp and 406lb ft engine, promises exhilarating performance. However, the car’s larger size and weight (1700kg) present challenges on the track. The M2’s front and rear ends are not well-matched, resulting in struggles through longer, quicker corners and traction limitations in tighter turns. With a moderate level of assistance from the adjustable DSC, the front tires struggle while the rear lacks traction.

Switching off all electronic aids provides a freer and more enjoyable driving experience, but the M2 still falls short in terms of finesse. The brake response and rear end’s breakaway characteristics lack the precision and confidence-inspiring feel found in its competitors. The M2’s servo assistance and rear-end traction can be unpredictable, making it difficult to maintain a consistent and fast pace on the track. While the M2 possesses plenty of power, its overall performance on the track is hindered by its size and weight.


After a thorough track test, it’s clear that the Alpine A110 R, Porsche Cayman GT4, and BMW M2 each have their strengths and weaknesses. The Alpine A110 R impresses with its lightweight agility and balanced handling, while the Porsche Cayman GT4 offers precision, power, and a thrilling driving experience. The BMW M2, although powerful, struggles with its size and weight, compromising its overall performance on the track.

Ultimately, choosing between these three sports cars comes down to personal preference and priorities. If lightweight agility and track-focused performance are your top priorities, the Alpine A110 R is an excellent choice. For those seeking a thrilling driving experience and precision engineering, the Porsche Cayman GT4 delivers in every aspect. However, if you prioritize power and are willing to compromise on track performance, the BMW M2 offers a potent engine and a more versatile driving experience.

No matter which car you choose, all three of these sports cars are sure to provide countless hours of driving pleasure and excitement on both the track and the road.

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